
They’ve been saying today is one of the most depressing days of the New Year. I should have taken that as a hint to stay in bed. Let’s just say this 2014 has not had a stellar start for the Gardner household. A sick kid, a serious lack of sleep, a super busy workload and a broken computer are just the beginning of my woes.

I’m completely against the idea of starting a new year mid-week. In fact, Im completely against starting anything unless it’s at the beginning of something. Does that make sense? For example, If I wake up at 6:32, I can’t get out of bed until 6:40… because that’s the start of a new 10 minutes. Seriously, who can start a diet or make any kind of commitment knowing the weekend is only two days away? Not I.

So, as we approach our 7th day of the new year, I resolve to start my resolutions starting on Monday, January 13. More below the cut…

I was pretty pumped about setting some goals for myself this year. I’d been writing a number of articles and doing lengthy research about setting goals and actually reaching them. My first big step is to document them here, to hold myself more accountable, have something to look back on and check off things as I complete them. I also plan to be far less vague, no more “I’m going to lose weight”… how do I plan to do it?

So here goes…

1. Live a simpler, less cluttered life – I feel like I’m drowning in clutter. Clutter in my house, clutter in my head. Information overload is killing my creativity and quite frankly exhausts me. My house is packed with so much STUFF that is completely unnecessary and has no purpose. It’s time to sell, donate and trash it ALL. Get organized. Get focused.

2. Stop living through others and live for myself – Time to put the phone down, turn the computers off, stop being such a couch potato and start showing my favorite little girl the world.

3. Live a happier, healthier life – Get more fresh air, eat healthier foods, get more exercise. Hiking, walking/running, yoga. Try new recipes, eat more veggies, STOP drinking soda.

4. Do kind things for others – I’d like to do things to bring smiles to peoples faces, to give them belief that there are good people out there and to inspire others to be kind. For starters, Rylie and I will be making Christmas ornaments for my mom’s friend who’s house burned down right before Christmas this year. Who knows, maybe it’s a thing. Think about all the people’s who’s personal belongings are destroyed each year by fire, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. Imagine losing your favorite Christmas ornaments, family possessions like photos and more. Not replaceable items, but maybe this could help them to get through the next holiday a little easier.

5. Build my business and set limits – When I quit my job and started working on my own, I had such great plans. I need to get focused, find some new clients, create a website and learn new things. I need to remember why I loved what I do and get back to that place. I need to stop undervaluing my work and get paid what I deserve. I also need to set limits and stop trying to please everyone. Create working hours and remember it’s ok to just say NO.

6. Get back east to see family and friends – I need to bring Rylie to see her family. We haven’t been back in quite some time. And oh yeah, Taylor Ham and bagels… that’s my jam (but obviously not on my healthy eating plan).

7. Go on more dates – I think we’re averaging about 2 dates a year… time to increase that and spend some time with my man and remember how we got to where we are.

8. More me time, taking better care of myself – even 10 minutes of silence would be nice. You’d think that working from home this would be an easy one but it’s not. Seems I can barely pull myself away from the computer all day (and night.) Get a pedicure (haven’t had one since October) get a haircut (same story as previous) buy myself some new clothes (after healthy eating goal kicks in) and just RELAX.

9. Tackle the simple things – I’m a combination ADD/OCD (for real) and have the hardest time tackling the smaller things like making a grocery list/meal plan for the week, getting my car washed, putting laundry away… easy things that most people do all day every day are major projects for me. They make my head heavy. It’s not easy to explain to anyone, just know it’s challenging for me. I need to learn to manage those things better so they don’t always weigh so heavy on me.

10. Create memories – Plan another fabulous family vacation this year – I look forward to our getaways every year and find they give me something to work toward. Allow more pictures of myself, so my daughter always has something to remember (this one is still iffy. I’ve never liked having my photo taken, or published, ANYWHERE. Im starting with the one at the top of this page, our last pic of 2013)

That’s a lot! Lets see how it all pans out.

Happy 2014!

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  1. sounds ambitiuos and ful of wonderful ideas..allthat will bring you a happier life and a happier life for Harris and Rylie too. Dont quit if you slip…just pick yourself up and keep going. Ill be routing for your success and a happy 2014…Love…Mom

    and now its time for me to think about some goals for me…..grrrr

  2. Let me start by telling you that I love you. I think you’re a great mom, wife, daughter and a generally great human being. I love your “new attitude” and want you to reach the goals you set. Remember, even if you only start to accomplish your goals, as long as you’re moving forward and tackling them a little at a time, you’re doing good. Sometimes the little stuff is harder to tackle than larger goals and projects. Take it one day at a time, and even a couple of things each day, That’s what we do…..if we have a list of things to get done (even the most insignificant ones) – we tackle a few things each day. Doesn’t have to be an all day project either. Accomplish 2-3 things off your list – somedays it will only take an hour of your time like making necessary calls, etc. David and I are both great at procrastinating, so this has helped both of us. The little stuff adds up fast and before you know it, your life is cluttered with “I need too’s” and you feel overwhelmed. So if you have an off day as you tackle things, so be it! Baby steps Mary as you adjust your lifestyle and keep in mind that you might only be able to take on a couple of things off your list each day. `I know you will do it! Just be kind to yourself.
    I will say it again…..I love you 🙂
    Aunt Carol

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