Rylie’s New Bedroom Remodel
Oh my, it’s been some time since my last post. Looking back, I was in quite a funk. I’ve since recovered and have been really inspired to share in our little space again.
Flower lights (Ikea), Paint (Home Depot), Kitchen (Kid Craft), Green Run + Orange Storage Box (Target)
My husband made this bed from the plans you can find here but we made ours a double. In all the project took about 3 weekends, not because it was difficult but sanding the wood was a bit time consuming, especially in the Arizona heat.
I pulled our Ikea shelf from our playroom (I love how it creates a little wall) and got some baskets and storage containers from Target on clearance with an additional discount from the Cartwheel App. Target does it again! (Those blue containers, $1.50 a piece after all my discounts.) If you don’t have this app you MUST get it.
The steps leading up to her “stage”
Tension rods are all the rage in our house. I use them as bookends on the shelves for my cookbooks in the pantry and as a costume hanger. Plus some cute little lantern lights again on sale at Target during the back to school season.
This room is actually REALLY tiny. It’s amazing how much you can fit by raising the bed off the floor. I am on an organization tear and am selfishly looking forward to reclaiming my office turned playroom.
Black Shelves, Striped Basket, Owl Basket, Bed Sheets (Target)
I was crushed to get rid of our big white Ikea dresser but I found this as a space-saver and an opportunity for Rylie to learn how to spell a few more words. She’s been putting her laundry away herself for over a year now and I’ve always feared she’d pull that big dresser down on herself one day. This is much safe and slightly educational!
Sterilite Drawers + Chalkboard Stickers (Target)
We read EVERY ONE of those books.
That’s it! If you have any desire to have this bed in your house you MUST take the next step. LIFE CHANGING.
Cheer me on in the comments if you want me to keep up my posting momentum. Or, ask me questions about the remodel. It’s been fun!
For previous decorating posts look here (our old site) and here. K bye!