
What we love


The Best Gift


Last night my lovely little and I were rocking in the chair as we always do before bed. I asked her what she wanted me to sing and she whispered “abcdg” meaning the alphabet song. I did a medley of that and Row Row Row Your Boat, another favorite of hers.

I took a break from singing and Rylie grabbed my face and said “kiss face.” I leaned in and got the sweetest kiss ever. Then, she brushed my cheek and said “nice mama” followed by “I love you mama.”

I don’t know how I got such a little love bug, but she makes my heart melt.

The Shine Project

On Saturday I attended a benefit for The Shine Project. This amazing organization helps at-risk youth to earn money and scholarships to go to school. Through their jewelry company Threads, they employ these students to make fabulous jewelry while learning to be self-reliant, hard workers. Did I mention how fabulous their jewelry is? Oh, yeah… I did.

Pixie Dust Collection | Threads | by The Shine Project

The Shine Project also does bi-weekly service projects with inner-city kids, teaches them leadership skills and encourages them to make the world a better place.

Listening to the kids stories was inspiring. For many of them they are or will be the first in their families to attend college.

It’s not often I get out for an evening of pampering but I’m glad I was able to escape for a few hours. They did my hair (thanks Salon 7000), nails and eyebrows, and bonus, I got to hang with some really great women!

I encourage you to check out Threads and support The Shine Project.

Rylie’s World

For a long time I’ve been wanting to clean out my craft room (aka the CRAP room) and turn it into a fun little play room for Rylie. Sadly it takes a house full of people to give me the motivation to take on such a big project in a short amount of time. I’d consider this my big birthday present to the little munchkin. I hope it brings her happiness, I like to think it is a very cheerful room. It makes me smile.

Infant Play Room

Infant Play Room
Love these ottomans from Target. $17 each. The lids come off to allow for storage. I use the space to hide diapers, wipes, and a changing pad.
Infant Play Room
Rylie LOVES these owl pillows, part of the Target Circo Love n Nature Collection on sale!
Infant Play Room
Loaded up her book case with all her birthday presents and her book collection
Infant Play Room
Rylie loves to rock out on her rocking butterfly - a gift from her daddy's co-workers on the day she was born
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